Free sex hormones and strengthens the immune system with endorphins

Feeling good about others depends on feeling good about yourself. And feeling good about yourself is a feeling that stems from biochemical factors.

Many substances in the body, some of them have extraordinary properties and are present effects almost magical in the individual.

An example of such substances are endorphins, which produce an amazing feeling happiness and relaxation, almost transports us to another reality.

Another name given endorphins is "happy hormones". Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body itself and its structure are very similar to external opioids such as opium, morphine or heroin but its devastating negative effects.

But what really are endorphins? Why it matters? How to boost your production?

Endorphins are small proteins derived from a precursor produced at the level of the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain.

It is estimated that there are about 20 different types of endorphins distributed throughout the body, most of them are located in the pituitary gland and are responsible for making possible communication between neurons. These natural chemicals produced strong analgesia, stimulate centers brain's pleasure creating favorable situations that contribute to eliminate the discomfort and reduce painful sensations. When we feel pain endorphins act as endogenous analgesics inhibit pain transmission to the brain.

Endorphins are produced by the body in response to multiple sensations, among which is the pain and stress also influences the modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones and strengthen the immune system. When we feel pleasure these chemicals multiply and send messages to our brain lymphocytes and other cells responsible for the defense of viruses and bacteria that invade the body.

Endorphins have a very short life because they are removed by specific enzymes produced by the body. It is a measure to keep the balance of our body and not hide warning signs.

There are several ways to stimulate the production of endorphins, the fact is that a greater flow of these hormones when we do pleasurable activities on the body, which causes a change in our attitude and our mood improves considerably.

The stress resulting from physical exercise causes an increase in the amount of endorphins present in blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Fatigue leading to a sense of vitality and well being delayed.

Caresses, kisses and hugs stimulate endorphin download, besides pheromones, hormones that increase the attractiveness of the person and captivate the couple. The combination of these two hormones produce a situation of intense pleasure during and after intercourse.

Laughter has a marked influence on the chemistry of the brain and the immune system, so it is the best source of endorphins. Just a smile for our body begins to secrete endorphins enkephalins especially.

One way to stimulate the production of endorphins for those moments when we feel discouraged, is to use acoustic technology, which involves listening to Acoustic Sounds, which manage to synchronize our left and right sides of the brain.

In a specific frequency Liberation Endorphin occurs, which causes a great mood and a feeling of happiness that promotes rejuvenation, better health and sexual appetite.

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