Is it possible to eliminate pain immediately?

For the human being is very important to have a complete balance between the mind, body and spirit,  three things must always remain united, can not be separated from each other.

This is something that insures the doctor of chiropractic, shaolin master Yuen Kam , for whom it is possible to achieve a higher state of being. This aerospace engineering scientist who worked for NASA , is an expert in Sports, Homeopathy Medicine and martial arts master, just introduced in Spain the Yuen method.

This is a technique by which you can combine both Chinese medicine as the current concepts of philosophy, anatomy, biochemistry, psychology and quantum physics.

The Yuen Method is specifically dedicated to measuring and scrutinizing the energy level and seeks to strengthen the weaknesses that exist in our body . According to this theory it ensures, as the body is a combination that binds different power systems, which in turn has several circuits and connections, which bio-by a central computer are handled.

The physical and mental illness and the concerns are caused by the disconnection of energies that produce different biochemical and mechanical reactions, which are responsible for stall all systems. When this happens it is necessary to " reprogram "our central computer, which is located in the spinal cord, thus trying to balance our mind, body and spirit.

We must learn to develop the ability we all have to find weaknesses that can affect our body and to correct those weaknesses to remove and correct those conditions.

The results can be so extraordinary that many times can be seen as miracles, but the reality is quite simple.  Most people tend to use only a small part of the left hemisphere of the brain, seeing aspects of life in a very logic.

The Yuen Method is based on intuition, using this method can alleviate pain, relieve stress, including rejuvenating,. Well can raise finances and completely remove all pain having physical or mental causes All you can control knowing how to use the brain, as everything is in the mind.

"Only in this way can become successful in life," says Dr. Yuen, who has served more than 300,000 people, has helped them to solve all kinds of problems both health and prosperity, particularly through the full knowledge of himself and learning to control emotions, which in most cases are the cause of many diseases.

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